'90s Century inboard - what do I need to know?

So, it looks like I might have a shot at buying a '92 Century Resorter. This one’s fiberglass (as opposed to the wooden ones everyone knows and loves), and has a Mercury (GM) 5.7L engine hooked to a V-drive.

There doesn’t seem to be a ton of information out there for these. Have read in a few places that the early '90s ones were more problematic than the ones that came before and after, and that the sale of Century to Yamaha led to some improvements in later years, but nobody seems to go into any further detail.

Hoping someone here might be familiar, and able to give me some pointers.

Are there any known troubles I should be checking for? (I mean, obviously rot in wooden stringers/transom is a concern - but are there other areas where they’re known to get weak?)

Any other advice for someone considering one of these? If you’ve owned one, or run one, I’d like to hear about your experience.

Also - forgive my naivety, my old Crestliner and Feathercraft haven’t afforded me such experience - how much depth is required to run a boat like this? Some of the local lakes have sand/gravel bars where the water can be as little as 2-3’ deep, shallow launches are pretty common, and you may even find the occasional submerged log. Seeing that prop dangling there, and imagining what would happen if it made contact with anything, makes me a little nervous.


Welcome Keith,
These Centurys are well built boats. I think you hit on the major problem spots.
You said it has a V-drive, which were put into the Arabians and not the Resorters.
You get used to running an inboard which I think is much better than an I/O or an outboard anyway. You just get used to being a little careful where you go.
Let us know how you make out!

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Operating a straight inboard is a bit different than an I/O, not bad just different. Turning a right hand prop, it will not want to back to starboard well, if at all. It should back to port well and you can use that to your advantage when docking. You will also find that in forward it will turn faster to port than starboard at speed, again the direction of the prop.

I’ve driven inboards for almost 40 years and the secret is knowing what your boat cannot do and then not putting yourself and the boat in those situations.

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ANYTHING with an I/O is a very very tough sell, the V drive will always be more of a classic. Each boat in our little universe is unique based on its use. So its hard to pinpoint any unique issues to that model. Also V Drives just look correct.

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Very well spoken Bilgerat. I have two inboard boats. One with the typical right hand screw one the other with a left hand. The left hand is a K repower that came out of a small cruiser. I always have to think about what boat I’m in when maneuvering!

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