I need the logo for a 1933 - 18 ft Chris Craft

New wood on the sides, I need to re-create the gols letters, any help is appreciated.

Not sure what a gols is? Are you looking for the Pre war CC logo?

Gold and yes.

There are several routes you can go. Decal or Gold or Aluminum leaf. Dave at the Classic Boat Connection has them as a decal. The leaf version you have to get done. NOW, you ask, why Aluminum Leaf? Well, thats how many were done originally, and old varnish over them added the gold look. So your lettering guy can do the Pre War logo on the sides as well as your registration numbers. . Here is the link to Classic Boat Connection, Dave is a great guy BTW and very helpful https://www.classicboatconnection.com/

This pic is of Andy C’s time capsule. ALL ORIGINAL 1930 Utility. Scroll down on this link and you will see more on this boat Woody Boater Best Of Show Winners! – Classic Boats | Woody Boater

here is a close up from that story

And here is alum on a pre war Auqua plane

All good information, thank you. We bought the 1933-18 ft out of Holland Michigan.

Thats the right place to find one. The Michigan Chapter of the ACBS is one of the best clubs in the country and VERY helpful and social