Hi Guys, I am in the beginning of restoring a 56 Capri. A new 5200 bottom has been done. All the other planks above the waterline need refastening as some of the screws have released from the frame. The issue is, there is about 10-15% where the head broke off when removing or the head has disintegrated underneath the bung or the screw slots is so corroded that there is nothing to grip onto. So, what is the best method for removal of these different challenges. I have done some research on YouTube and forums but this is the group I most want to hear from. Thank you for any input.
Hi, I have seen a tool called “Unscrew-Ems”. I haven’t used one, but they look like they work well in the videos. Worth a try.
Thanks for your reply. Yes, that is one of the tools I found in some forum discussions. The screw head needs to be removed to use or you risk breaking the tool.
I have a set or reverse cut drill bits…they dig in, with the drill set in reverse. They work. There is a how to video on one of the organization sites, maybe ACBS, that have some good video of the tools you could use and how to use them.
I have not been to their site. I will investigate. Thank you for the tip.